Don’s CV and Testimonials

What People Are Saying


“Led the week constantly honoring a critical and cultural context.”

— Custom Leadership Program Participant

“I would strongly recommend any student to take a class with Don McIntyre. His interest and knowledge in management and First Nation governance is amazing. I learned so much from this instructor and I appreciate all the hard work he puts forward to encourage.”

— Management 4507 Student, U of L

“A holder of his land who has a vision of true Nationhood.

A leader who shares his techniques and tactics in cultural ways of knowing to facilitate others in realizing their own.”

-Indigenous Leadership & Management Participant, TBC

Employment Record

2016-present                     Assistant Professor; Faculty of Management, Dhillon Business School; University of Lethbridge

2017-present                     Facilitator & Faculty; Haida Gwaii Institute, UBC

2014-2016                         Assistant Professor; Native American Studies; University of Lethbridge

2002-present                     Faculty Lead; Leadership Development; Banff Centre

2005-present                     President; Copper Wolf Arts & Consulting

2009-2011                         Teaching Assistant; Faculty of Law; University of British Columbia

2003-2008                         Lawyer; DGM Law Corp

2003-2006                         Instructor/Department Head; Criminology/Justice Studies; Native Education College

2001-2003                         Articled Student; Corporate Litigation; Boughton Peterson Yang Andersen Law Corp



2008-present                     Ph.D. (ABD); Law; University of British Columbia

2007-2008                         L.L.M.; Law; University of British Columbia

1999-2002                         LL.B.; Law; University of British Columbia

Related Study

2001-2010                         Certificate of Indigenous Leadership, Governance, and Management Excellence; Banff Center

Apr, 2003                         Professional Legal Training Course for British Columbia; Law Society of BC

1997-2002                         4th year GBA; University of British Columbia

1986-1990                         4th year BA; York University


Teaching Activities

University of Lethbridge

LBED1850A; Conversational Indigenization: Reconciling Reconciliation; 3 credits; 135 students

MGT1000; Introduction to Management; 3 credits; 75 students

MGT2500; Introduction to Indigenous Governance and Business Management; 3 credits; 35 students

MGT2700; Research Methodologies; 3 credits; 60 students

MGT3590; Current Practices in Aboriginal Governance; 3 credits; 35 students

MGT3850B; Indigenous Negotiations; 3 credits; 35 students

MGT3850C; Indigenous Project Management; 3 credits; 35 students

MGT4507/NAS4150; Historical & Legal Aspects of First Nations' Governments; 3 credits; 35 students

MGT4850; Indigenous Leadership & Management; 3 credits; 35 students

 NAS1000; Introduction to Native American Studies; 3 credits; 150 students

NAS2150; Native Rights In The United States; 3 credits; 15 students

NAS2400; Traditional Aboriginal Political Economy; 3 credits; 20 students

NAS2800; Native American Politics; 3 credits; 20 students

NAS2850;  Images of the Indian; 3 credits; 25 students

NAS3400; Contemporary Aboriginal Political Economy; 3 credits; 20 students

NAS3500; History of Prairie Indian Treaties; 3 credits; 20 students

NAS4850; Property Possession and Ownership; 3 credits; 20 students

NAS4150; New World Ownership; 3 credits; 20 students


LAW 303; section 001; The Western Ideas of Law; 3 credits; 20 students; Co-instructors: Dennis Pavlich

LAW 250; section 001; Trust Law; 3 credits; 75 students; Co-instructors: Dennis Pavlich

Courses Taught Externally

ELM—Essential Leadership Model Summer 2020; Haida Gwaii Institute:  4 day intensive training. Co-instructor: Murray Dion.               

Introduction to Indigenization-Reconciling Reconciliation; Spring 2020. University of Lethbridge, School of Liberal Education

Aboriginal Law of Canada—Understanding the Opportunities and Pitfalls of being Indigneous; Spring 2020 Haida Gwaii Institute: 3 day Professional Development Course through UBC. Co-instructor: Dr. Dan McCarthy

Introduction to Indigenization—Understanding where the Conversation is Going; Spring 2020 Haida Gwaii Institute: 3 day Professional Development Course through UBC. Co-instructor: Dr. Dan McCarthy. 

Lessons in Innovation-Haida Gwaii—Transformations from the Islands to Improve your Work; Spring 2020 Haida Gwaii Institute: 3 day Professional Development Course through UBC. Co-instructor: Dr. Dan McCarthy

Aboriginal Law of Canada; Spring 2020; Haida Gwaii Institute: 1 day continuing Education Course through UBC. Co-instructor: Dr. Dan McCarthy

Introduction to Indigenization; Spring 2020;  Haida Gwaii Institute: 1 day continuing Education Course through UBC. Co-instructor: Dr. Dan McCarthy

Lessons in Innovation-Haida Gwaii; Spring 2020; Haida Gwaii Institute: 1 day continuing Education Course through UBC. Co-instructor: Dr. Dan McCarthy.     

CONS 449C 621; Social Ecological Change: An Introduction to Systems Thinking & Resilience; Summer 2019; Haida Gwaii Institute: 10 day 3 Credit Course through UBC. Co-instructor: Dr. Dan McCarthy.  

 ELM—Essential Leadership Model March 2019; Banff Centre for Arts:  4 day intensive training. Co-instructors: Murray Dion and Dr. Robert Boudreau.

CONS 449C 621; Social Ecological Change: An Introduction to Systems Thinking & Resilience; Summer 2018; Haida Gwaii Institute: 10 day 3 Credit Course through UBC. Co-instructor: Dr. Dan McCarthy.  

Getting to Maybe—A Social Innovation Residency 2018; A Partnership between the Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience, and the Banff Centre:  28 days, 24 students; Co-instructors: Dr. Frances Westley, Dr. Julian Norris, Cheryl Rose, Dr. Dan McCarthy.

Getting to Maybe—A Social Innovation Residency 2017; A Partnership between the Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience, and the Banff Centre:  28 days, 24 students; Co-instructors: Dr. Frances Westley, Dr. Julian Norris, Cheryl Rose, Dr. Dan McCarthy, Ian Prinsloo

Getting to Maybe—A Social Innovation Residency 2016; A Partnership between the Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience, and the Lougheed Leadership Institute:  28 days, 24 students; Co-instructors: Dr. Frances Westley, Dr. Julian Norris, Cheryl Rose, Dr. Dan McCarthy, Ian Prinsloo

Getting to Maybe—Social Innovation Residency 2015; A Partnership between the Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience, and the Lougheed Leadership Institute: 28 days; 24 students; Co-instructors: Dr. Frances Westley, Dr. Julian Norris, Cheryl Rose, Dr. Dan McCarthy, Ian Prinsloo

Aboriginal Leadership and Management; Banff Centre Leadership Development/Lougheed Leadership Institute; each round 40 hours, 30 students; 2 rounds yearly from 2005-present.

Strategic Planning; Banff Centre Leadership Development/Lougheed Leadership Institute; each round 40 hours, 30 students; 1 round yearly 2009-2016.

Negotiation Skills Training; Banff Centre Leadership Development; each round 40 hours, 30 students; 1 round yearly 2008-2011. 

Custom Designed Leadership, Management and Governance Programming;  Copperwolf Consulting; wide ranging program design and onsite delivery for clients including Atlific Hotels, Wet’suwet’en First Nation, Labrador Innu Nation, Province of BC, Patient Voices Network of BC,  Best Western Hotels, Vancouver Police Department,  Mikisew Cree First Nation, Athabasca Tribal Nation, Dehcho First Nation.

Aboriginal Justice: Native Education College; 60 hours; 15 students  2003-2008

Criminology;                         Native Education College; 60 hours; 15 students 2003-2008

Research Areas

Aboriginal Law, Indigenous Traditional Knowledge, Indigenous Institutions, Traditional Social Systems, Indigenous Traditional and Contemporary Economic Systems, Law and Society, Subaltern Studies, Critical Race Theory, Leadership Development, Leadership and Management, Native Studies, Historic and Contemporary Aboriginal Studies, English Literature, Theatre Writing, Novel, Short Story, Fiction, Creative Non-fiction, Aboriginal Art; Contemporary and Traditional forms.  3d and 2d, Art Law Theory, Social Innovation Theory, Panarchy Cycles within a Social Context, Systems Theory, Trans-systemics.

 Scholarly, Professional and Service Activities


Mar. 2020 Reconciliation and the Related World Leader. Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs,

Mar. 2020 reconciliation & re-indigenizing the contract law process. Contracts1000. University of BC

Mar. 2020   Moon of the Crusted Snow. Common Book Project. University of Lethbridge.

Nov. 2019   Moon of the Crusted Snow. Common Book Project. University of Lethbridge.

Nov. 2018   Augie Merasty & the Residential School Experience. Lib. Ed. 1000. University of Lethbridge.

Nov. 2018   In this Place.  Understanding Indigenous Space.   Thrive. University of Lethbridge. 

Oct. 2018    Standing Together—Sharing Responsibility.  Sisters in Solidarity. Sister's in Spirit. Lethbridge.

Sept. 2018   Can the Subaltern Speak? The Jokes on Spivak. Speaker. Indigenous Reading Group.

Sept, 2018 Reconciling Indigenousness. University of Calgary Alumni Society and Ghani Society;

Sept. 2018    EDTalk. University of Lethbridge

Sept. 2018    Transition Program Orientation. University of Lethbridge

Mar. 2018     Indigenizing the Institution. Confederation of Alberta Faculty Associations. AGM. Banff.

April.2018     We Are All Treaty 7 Beneficiaries. SACPA (Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs)

Jan. 2018     Deep Listening—An Indigneous Action. The Gathering.  Speaker. Suncor Energy Foundation.

Nov. 2017     Augie Merasty & the Residential School Experience. Lib. Ed. 1000. University of Lethbridge.

Nov. 2017     Contract, Treaty and Transsystemics. Contracts1000. University of Victoria.

Nov. 2017     Contract, Treaty and Transsystemics. Contracts1000. University of British Columbia.

Nov. 2017      In this Place.  Understanding Indigenous Space.   Thrive. University of Lethbridge. 

Oct. 2017      Standing Together—Sharing Responsibility.  Sisters in Solidarity. Sister's in Spirit.

Mar. 2017       Reconciliation Summit. Facilitator. TBC.

Feb. 2017      Indigenous Systems Theory. Speaker at University of Waterloo

Dec, 2016      Indigenous Spaces—Holding Place for Other Generations: Simon Fraser University; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Nov, 2016   Truth and Reconciliation Summit Banff, Alberta, Canada

May, 2016    An Aboriginal Languages Research Program to address the language-related Calls to Action of the TRC. Inge Genee.  Presented at the Congress Summit 2016.  Indigenous Languages and Reconciliation. Joint CAAL/CLA/SSHRC session. University of Calgary.  Alberta, Canada

May, 2016  Who are the Beneficiaries of Treaties between First Nations Peoples and Canada? Presented To: SACPA; Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Jan, 2016    Indigenous Art Today--Contemporarily Traditional or Traditionally Contemporary; ART NOW; Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

May, 2013  Sovereignty Within the Canadian Legal Pluralist State—fact or fiction?; Presented To: UBC Law Graduate Student Conference; Reflective Law; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

May, 2013  The Edge of Certainty—certainty of contract on Aboriginal land; Presented To: UBC Law; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

March, 2013   Contemporary Traditional Aboriginal Law?—how did we get here? where are we going?; Presented To: Indigenous Graduate Student Conference; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

May, 2012   Rex 1st Stood by a Stream Playing a Game; Presented To: UBC Law Graduate Student Conference; Law and the Individual; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Dec, 2012  Contract Certainty and Indigenous Populations; Presented To: Melbourne Business School; MURRA speaker series; Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

May, 2011  Semiotics--Moving Beyond the Word of Law; Presented To: UBC Law Graduate Student Conference; Creativity Law; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

May, 2010 Certainty & Time in "Post"-Colonial Legal Systems; UBC Law Graduate Student Conference; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

May, 2009  Indigenous Migration Fact or Fiction; Law Without Borders; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

May, 2008  Contracts Through and Throughout Time; Presented To: UBC Law; UBC Graduate Law Conference; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Oct, 2007 IP and TK and WIPO-What Do All the Initials Mean for Canadian Aboriginal; Indigenous Bar Association Fall Conference; Ottawa Canada; Co-presenters: Robert Patterson, Merle Alexander

Apr, 2007  ARTing Your Vision; AFN Annual Nurse's Conference; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada



Ongoing 2018   Strategic Planning WRT Indigneous. University of Lethbridge

Ongoing2018     Strategic Planning WRT Uleth Gallery. University of Lethbridge.

May, 2011  Soft-Voiced Warrior Song; 5th Annual Indian Law Clinic and Symposium; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Aug, 2010  Aboriginal Sensitivity Training; Holiday Inn Annual Training Sessions; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Dec, 2009  Storytelling Leadership; Presented To: Art of Man Delegates; Art of Management; Victoria Australia



2019-present                     Indigneous School Committee; University of Lethbridge

2019-present                     Uleth MasterCard Foundation Committee; University of Lethbridge

2015-present                     WISIR Fellow; Waterloo Institute of Social Innovation and Research (WISIR)

2017-present                     Adjunct Professor; University of Waterloo; School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability

2005-2016                                     Director; Holiday Inn Indigenous Scholarship Committee

1999-2006                                     Director; Indigenous Bar Association

Community Service


Dec. 2018                          Holy Springs Circle of Elders Advisory Group

Jan. 2018                           Elders Gathering at Y2Y

Dec. 2017                          Holy Springs Circle of Elders Advisory Group

Jan. 2017                           Elders Gathering at Y2Y

2017                                  FNMI Director Search Committee; Committee Member, University of Lethbridge

2016-present                     First Nations Governance; Curriculum Committee, University of Lethbridge Faculty of Management

2016-2017                         Faculty of Management Representative; Fine Arts Faculty Council, University of Lethbridge

2014-present                   Member at Large; Aboriginal Education Committee, University of Lethbridge

2014-2015                         Member; Native American Studies Curriculum Committee, University of Lethbridge

1999-2012                         Community Participant; Vancouver Aboriginal Transformative Justice Society


Scholarly Output

'Soft-Voiced Warrior Song'. New Mexico Law Journal.

Indigenous Knowledge Hitting the Ground: A case study of the Anishanaabe Maamwaye Aki Kiigayewin partnership. McCarthy, Daniel

Dispersed but Not Destroyed: A History of the Seventeenth-Century Wendat People by Kathryn Magee Labelle (review). University of Toronto Quarterly 84(3), 155-157. University of Toronto Press. Retrieved January 4, 2017, from Project MUSE database.

 'Semiotics-Moving Beyond the Word of Law'. Creativity and the Law. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2012.

Rex 1st Stood by a Stream Playing a Game. Vancouver: UBC CirCle Press, 2012

Books and Book Chapters

 The Gifting Economy – An Indigenous Perspective on Collaboration. In: Kelly, Robert (ed) Collaborative Creativity: Educating for Creative Development, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

 Canadian Aboriginal State of Exclusion in Education. In: Peters M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Springer, Singapore (2019)

 The Right Relationship.  Reimagining the Implementation of Historical Treaties.  John Borrows and Michael Coyle. (Ed.)

 Two Roads - No Exit: an in camera discourse on negotiations in North America today.

 An Aboriginal Languages Research Program to address the language-related Calls to Action of the TRC. Inge Genee.  Presented at the Congress Summit 2016.  Indigenous Languages and Reconciliation. University of Calgary.  Joint CAAL/CLA/SSHRC session.  Collection to follow. 

 Court Papers

 SUBMITTED, ACCEPTED, Expert Report for HMTO v. Rachel CrowSpreadingWings, Action No.: 130593908P1

Works In Progress

 “Indigneous Transsystemics—Reconciling Voices. Practicing Reconciliation Through a Systems Lens.”   

 Panarchy Cycles, Exploitation and the Windigo: Understanding the role of exploitation in our society.  with Dr. Dan McCarthy, Elder Pete

 “Paradoxificator” the Trickster in Modern Society.  In conjunction with the Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience (WISIR)

 7 Fires New Basin of Attraction and What’s Next.  WISIR Fellows collaboration.

 BOOK: ELM—Essential Leadership Model.  Co-author Murray Dion

BOOK: ELM—Indigenous Project Management. Co-author Murray Dion

BOOK: ELM & Burn Out.  Co-author Robert Boudreau

BOOK: ELM & S.T.O.P. Leadership.

SUBMITTED: 'Indian-givers and White Lies'. Indigenous Law Journal. Co-Author Steve Wexler.

 2017-22 SSHRC Insight Grant entitled, “Practicing Reconciliation Through Teaching and Research on Haida Gwaii: A Collaborative Research Project.” Co-applicant.

2019-24 - SSHRC Partnership Grant, “Transforming Indian Act Governance” Co-applicant